Flashbacks: This was a really fun time in London, I would go anywhere, anyplace to deliver the message that doing what you loved and making a living out of it
First time I decided to sell my service I was 18 – Teaching schoolchildren English as a foreign language, yaps! Back then I had not read a marketing manual. Instead,
If you don’t have a service strategy in your yoga studio it is time to get one and start manifesting more happy yoga customers. Everybody hates selling, but everybody loves
How is your father’s day yoga promotion coming along? Here are 5 Dad’s Yoga Alert ideas you can use right now in the yoga studio: Dad’s Yoga Marketing Tips Alert
You’ve got a mail! Everybody loves recieving personal old fashioned letters from someone they know and like. And hardly ever anyone says no to a reall good offer too! So…
You don’t need to be born a marketing guru to have yoga marketing style yogic way – there are so many perfect examples, Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Iyengar…! Yogic marketing is
So your yoga retreat is a month away and you’ve got to enrol 5 more students to make the trip worthwhile (hey, we all been there). Emergency advertising? Last minute
If you’ve never heard of Jay Conrad Levinson… he is like Sage Patanjali of Marketing, so having a lunch with Jay in London was a real treat. At the table Jay
I’m just back from my…5th yoga class in Manchester City which is my home in the next few months. 5th yoga class and 5 students in the class… Which raises
Online presence doubles your yoga business instantly! But the truth is many yoga studios and yoga teachers have yoga websites and online presence, YET most businesses PAY money every year