How is your father’s day yoga promotion coming along?
Here are 5 Dad’s Yoga Alert ideas you can use right now in the yoga studio:
Dad’s Yoga Marketing Tips Alert ONE:
Last minute father’s day yoga special newsletter can suddenly work wonders. Ask your clients to bring dads FREE…or even fathers bring your children FREE… could be fun.
Dad’s Yoga Marketing Tips Alert TWO:
Don’t forget to display at the studio Fathers Day Special discounts on all male products.
Dad’s Yoga Marketing Tips Alert THREE:
Have you already offered a Fathers day yoga class pack discount to members?
Dad’s Yoga Marketing Tips Alert FOUR:
Why not use this opportunity to introduce, new yoga class schedule designed specifically for men? Men’s yoga is still a market untapped.
Dad’s Yoga Marketing Tips Alert FIVE:
Don’t forget to take happy fathers day yoga pictures for the next season’s dad’s day and use them for the next years fathers day special promotions…it will come.
Free your imagination
Happy dad’s yoga day
Tamara Machavariani