Yoga websites that sell

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Yoga WebsitesOnline presence doubles your yoga business instantly! But the truth is many yoga studios and yoga teachers have yoga websites and online presence, YET most businesses PAY money every year for the service that costs money!

In other words most yoga websites fail to bring sales in.


In a nutshell:

  • Pretty websites do NOT make money! Ugly websites make money!
  • Pretty websites do NOT attract targeted people! Ugly websites DO!
  • Your visitors do NOT visit pretty yoga websites AGAIN! Visitors keep going back to ugly websites!
  • Pretty websites satisfy ONLY the owners’ ego! Ugly websites bring business to the owners!

Sad but true!
That’s why having a yoga website, is not a business.

Of course I’m not suggesting go ahead and turn your website into monster, but if you are considering building one or “re-designing” these 5 easy tips will guide you towards important steps how to save yourself from frustrations… and your hard earned cash in the long run.

Tip #1 – Before you start building a website design a clear plan, and ask yourself what you want to achieve form your website?

Tip #2 – Do not hire a web designer who knows how to put up a pretty website. Find someone who understands online marketing and consult them.

Tip #3 – Make sure you will have a control over your yoga website (or therapy website) to update yourself, otherwise web designers bills will drive you crazy end of every month and you will not be happy with the results either (trust me I’ve been there)!

Tip #4 – Build a website that attracts traffic and if you don’t know what it means hire someone who does.

Tip #5 – The website is not about you. Its “about them”. So less about me-marketing and more about you-marketing.

Tamara Machavariani

PS. If you need to hire a web-designer that  builds great looking websites that also brings sales in, CONTACT US and request a quote.


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