Yoga Promotions vs Yoga Advertising and Why Promotions are Doomed to failure!
I love promotions. Why not? After all why not enjoy half price yoga at xyz studio, still enjoy the benefits of yoga class, try something new…and then…return to my favourite yoga studio as if nothing had happened?
Are you one of those on and off marketers of your yoga studios?
Then listen carefully, because I am just about to save you drama of promotional nightmares…and stack of your hard earned cash.
Have you ever thought what would happen to your brand and image if you spent so much on promotions that there was no cash left for advertising?
Half-price deals can be a well formed habit of studio and sales managers, but the effects of those promotions are as short as last seasons cheap jewellery accessory – they just won’t last.
Your yoga class sales curve might go up during sales promotions, but it won’t take longer than a couple of weeks until it goes back to where it started, only to discover that you’ve spent all your advertising cash on short-term promotions and now you are left with very little money (if at all) for your continious yoga advertising.
Look, it’s not a rocket science, people love deals, and they take almost ANY offer that comes along, but once the promotion ends, they go back to their favourite brands as if nothing had happened!
So what’s the solution?
Don’t panic! Simply remember that your studio sales is a mixture of yoga class value and advertising.
Don’t get me wrong, I am big on promotions, but they can only work as part of ongoing advertising.
Please don’t forget that continuous advertising is a backbone of yoga studio income, vs short-term promotions.
Ask Mr. Wrigley! Ever wondered why, with the lion’s share of the market, why wrigley chewing gum continuous to advertise….EVERYWHERE?
Stay focused during promotions
Tamara Machavariani