Marketing yoga like Pattabhi Jois, Svami Sivananda, Ghandi, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Mather Teresa….

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Have you ever noticed some of the commonalities amongst many of the great gurus of all time? And I don’t just mean the most obvious like kindness, wisdom, charity…

Let me get to the point right away.

You probably agree that the most of the world known gurus did not start their teaching career from modern studios, with yoga cloths boutique, receptionist in trendy yoga outfit and conveniently installed male and female showers…you would probably also agree that the most of them would teach under any conditions that were available in the moments, been a smoky basement or a simple, basic home settings …

But have you ever wondered, how could all these world renounced gurus managed to establish world wide centres? Taught around the world and raised millions of dollars towards their chosen charity whilst continuously impacting the lives globally if their primary focus was never money, marketing, or business?

Let me draw your attention to the other facts now (often overlooked). None of the gurus stayed in the basement; no-one put a limit on the abilities to leverage their skills and none shied away from raising millions of dollars when business demanded. The other, one of the most important fact is that, all of the above did not fall from the sky as a direct result of positive thinking alone (although that is a separate topic we can debate at a later time.)

For now let’s have the second look at the 3 most obvious yet frequently overlooked commonalities and how you can easily model your gurus also in marketing your yoga business, just follow these 3 sacred rules the most happy and wealthy have been following throught the centuries.

Rule number 1: Back to basics and one client at a time.
Have you noticed that all gurus built their name one client at a time? And have you also noticed that doing things over and over, keeps you busy, yet gets the same results? Whether you need to move to the next level, or reshape your practice, it is wise for your business to simply pause, reflect and get back to basics.

Here is a quick tip, instead of trying to find new customers old way, try to make a change one client at a time new way, you can listen how to do step by step by downloading

Rule number 2: Do you have a back end?
You have probably noticed that all masters created something else, other than regular teaching…such as teachers training programs, worldwide workshops, products etc.

Do you think that happened by happenstance? Or is it a result of careful planning, structure and ongoing marketing promotions?

The fact is neither spiritual organization, or individual can survive on just relying on the revenue from the classes, regardless of the size and popularity. The real money in business is in the back end offer. Yet most yoga businesses would put all their marketing efforts in the classes without properly planning their most lucrative offers, workshops, retreats, training….

Rule number 3: Create corporate structure
This may sound way far from yogic flow, but the reality is we like structure, even in our asana practice we perform better when we have a clear guide and directions from the teacher. Every successful spiritual organization or a studio has been built and followed strict structure, rules and regulations. Is there a reason? I’m sure you would agree that the results speak for themselves.

Here is a quick health check if you need to re-create better structure in your yoga business. Ask yourself, if you were an investor, would you buy your yoga business? If you can not honestly say yes, then simply go back to basics and create a sellable business, with clear vision, structure and rules.

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