yoga studio marketing budget

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Yesterday we had a call from a new yoga studio owner.

Just a few years ago she had her first studio business. She told me it had crumbled due to the fact she had no idea how to market yoga classes.

No presence yoga studio in the town, no real ability to pull in new clients and create client loyalty. This ended with her studio closing.

She left the yoga business for some time and has decided to go back and open another yoga studio.

This time she was determined to succeed!

So she called for advice, told me this time she couldn’t afford to get it wrong.

As we talked on the phone she shared how much it had been costing her to refit the studio, deal with lease, accounting and legal fees.

I asked the question

“How much is your marketing budget?”
Her answer shocked me after what she had already shared.
“I need to spend my cash on the studio opening so I really don’t have anything left to spend on marketing”

Isn’t is strange how we are all creatures of habit? The mistake had previously cost her a business and a living in the past. She told me the closing of her studio was due to the fact that she never invested into marketing.

Now she was a new yoga studio, had invested heavily into fitting the studio out but … Was doing the same as in the past which was marketing is the lowest priority.

I want to share this.
Marketing isn’t new, it’s almost as old as man himself.

When people stopped becoming self sufficient they had to go buy stuff. If you were a seller of something you had to work hard to sell it like crazy.

You could go to the local market place, come across 10 sellers of the same product but it was the one that was clever at marketing would sell the most.

Very quickly marketing became the priority within business because if the marketing wasn’t done right you would lose out to the competition.

How about you and your yoga studio

  • Do you have a budget to make your marketing work?
  • Do you have a system to take your studio to market?
  • Do you know the numbers that will make your studio work?

If you need help to take your yoga studio to market, to build business to generate more clients, more sales, more systems get in touch with me today.

Go to the contact form, fill it out and contact us right now.

Share your thoughts,
We look forward to hear from you
Yoga Business Academy

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