How to set New Years vision in yoga business and actually achieve them

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new years vision

Your ultimate vision for the yoga business

Some businesses use sophisticated tools and spreadsheets, I personally tend to sit down with a sheet of paper and a pen to scribble some notes for the year ahead. I tend to do it around December time, just after Christmas but before New Year. It always feels a good time to review, reflect and set new challenges and evolutionary visions.

In your yoga business, the ultimate goal you have to pursue is to continue evolving in the ever-growing yoga industry packed with new entrants and competition. In short, you want to yogically outperform at every turn other yoga studios running classes down the road from yours.

The key to achieving your yoga visions in business is in your ability, as a yoga teacher/studio owner to master the art of marketing your classes, pricing, customer service etc … but, most importantly in your ability to create an effective strategy that will help you grow business, increase sales, improve productivity.

Having a clear vision is important to see where you are heading – marketing will help you drive towards your vision.

Here are some important questions you can ask yourself about your yoga business for the New Year.

  • How focused have you been in your marketing efforts to grow classes?
  • How many ways have you been marketing and advertising your business on a consistent bases? What was the outcome?
  • What did you do in the old year that you could drop in order to improve productivity and get different results?
  • Which areas in your yoga business needs absolute evolution and improvement?
  • How successful has your yoga classes, retreats been financially this year and what would be an ideal income for the next year? Be realistic and specific here, saying you want to double the income is not enough. Know your numbers, than check how 25% increase in students would impact the bottom line. Details are almost everything.
  • How clear are you in your marketing decisions? It should be simple, clear and easy to “get it”. You want to grow your class attendance by 25%? What are you going to do to achieve those numbers?

Reviewing old year and the performance will help you device a clearer strategy to achieve your most important business visions and goals in the New Year. So go ahead, grab a paper and a pen, find a quiet place and start scribbling some notes.

Tamara Machavariani Forrest-Smith

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